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Canalyst is an equity analysis platform specifically aimed at helping CIOs, PMs, and Directors of Research get more from their teams. More time, more coverage, and ultimately, more confidence in your investment decisions. Our database of 4000+ equity models spans the S&P 500, Russell 2000, TSX, and TSX-V, plus many more under-covered small- and mid-cap names. Buyside clients of all sizes get an edge on finding alpha, thanks to instant access to fully functioning fundamental models backed by complete, robust, and validated financial and operational data. Founded and headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, BC, were an energetic team with a love of stocks and technology. Whether you're looking to try out our platform or interested in joining our team, we'd love to hear from you. Request a demo: All other inquiries: [email protected]


Funding Rounds


Money raised


Canalyst is an equity analysis platform specifically aimed at helping CIOs, PMs, and Directors of Research get more from their teams. More time, more coverage, and ultimately, more confidence in your investment decisions. Our database of 4000+ equity models spans the S&P 500, Russell 2000, TSX, and TSX-V, plus many more under-covered small- and mid-cap names. Buyside clients of all sizes get an edge on finding alpha, thanks to instant access to fully functioning fundamental models backed by complete, robust, and validated financial and operational data. Founded and headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, BC, were an energetic team with a love of stocks and technology. Whether you're looking to try out our platform or interested in joining our team, we'd love to hear from you. Request a demo: All other inquiries: [email protected]


Funding series

Funding Series Analysis

The company Canalyst has raised a total of $84.82m in funding over 4 rounds.

Key Insights:

  • Canalyst Series C round, January 2022: $70m
  • Canalyst Series B round, January 2020: $14.82m
  • Canalyst Seed round, August 2016: $2m
  • Canalyst funding round, June 2017: $2.59m
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Canalyst Series C round, January 2022 $70m
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Canalyst Series B round, January 2020 $14.82m
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Canalyst Seed round, August 2016 $2m
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Canalyst funding round, June 2017 $2.59m


Canalyst is active in the following industries: