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Quality Control (company)

Quality Control Music is an independent entertainment empire based in Atlanta, GA that provides label and management services to unique talent. QC is the home of rappers Migos, Lil Yachty, Lil Baby, City Girls, Lakeyah, Bankroll Freddie, Layton Green, Metro Mars, Kollision, Duke Deuce, and a host of other talented artists and producers.


Quality Control Music is an independent entertainment empire based in Atlanta, GA that provides label and management services to unique talent. QC is the home of rappers Migos, Lil Yachty, Lil Baby, City Girls, Lakeyah, Bankroll Freddie, Layton Green, Metro Mars, Kollision, Duke Deuce, and a host of other talented artists and producers.


Quality Control (company) is active in the following industries:
  • Record label
  • Music
  • Entertainment


Quality Control (company) operates through the following subsidiaries: