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Census (company)

Census helps operations teams unify, transform & sync their customer data from their data warehouse to all of their tools.


Funding Rounds


Money raised


Census helps operations teams unify, transform & sync their customer data from their data warehouse to all of their tools.


Funding series

Funding Series Analysis

The company Census (company) has raised a total of $80.3m in funding over 3 rounds.

Key Insights:

  • Census Series B round, February 2022: $60m
  • Census (company) Series A round, February 19, 2021: $16m
  • Census Seed round, May 2020: $4.3m
Census (company) logo
Census Series B round, February 2022 $60m
Census (company) logo
Census (company) Series A round, February 19, 2021 $16m
Census (company) logo
Census Seed round, May 2020 $4.3m


Census (company) is active in the following industries: