Teknogirişim GSYFşim GSYF is a venture capital fund based in Istanbul, focusing on early-stage startups in their seed and pre-seed phases. The fund invests in areas such as business intelligence, fintech, and sales and marketing, with variable check sizes. It has backed companies like Fimple, Turan, Adsby, and Akaunting. Managed by Kuveyt Türk Portföy Yönetimi A.Ş., a subsidiary of Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş., the fund follows international interest-free finance principles and is overseen by an independent advisory board.
Recent Investments
- TuranSeed(
15 )
- FimpleSeed(
41 )
- AdsbySeed(
18 )
- AkauntingSeed(
15 )
- AkauntingPre Seed(
15 )