Curiosity VC
https://curiosityvc.comCuriosity VC, based in Amsterdam, is a venture capital firm that supports early-stage European startups, particularly in AI software. They invest in seed, pre-seed, and series A stages across sectors like fintech, proptech, and business intelligence. Notable investments include, Version Lens, and Strise. Their mission is to help founders develop impactful technology that can change the world.
Recent Investments
- Altura PlatformSeed(
21 )
- EpumPre Seed(
21 )
- QA.techSeed(
33 )
- Version LensPre Seed(
21 )
- Orq.aiPre Seed(
41 )
- NeopleSeed(
48 )
- EpicbriefPre Seed(
18 )
- DeeploySeed(
21 )
- StriseSeries A(
37 )
- OrquestaPre Seed(
21 )
- Alpha ARSeed(
21 )
- FreesiUnknown(
15 )
- StriseUnknown(
37 )