Access our database of 22,000+ global tech companies

Seedtable Intel is a database of 22,000+ active start-ups and scale-ups from around the globe with verified contact information. We combine proprietary sourcing, human verification and a scoring algorithm to help you find fast-growing technology companies to partner with.


Trusted by 500+ world-class orgs

Google Grover Bolt Adyen Intercom Revolut

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Find your next deal or partnership

Generate a workable list of leads in seconds using simple search criteria—we find companies before anyone else and constantly update so you can get fresh, relevant leads. Plus you get direct access to the founders with one click contact.

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Uncover which companies have momentum

Our proprietary scoring algorithm helps you truly understand which companies have momentum and which ones just look good on the surface.


Discover companies ready to work with you

Don't waste your time talking to companies that will never work with you. Use data points like Industry, Location, and Likely to outsource.


Our rich, in-depth data helps companies, service providers and funds make informed decisions and close deals with insights you can’t find anywhere else.


$179 /YEAR

Full database access with no contact information. New companies added weekly.

  • Access 22k companies (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by geography, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • Score to find fast-growing companies
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly


$379 /YEAR

Full database access with verified contact info. New companies added weekly.

  • Access 22k companies (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by geography, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • Score to find fast-growing companies
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly


$1,279 /YEAR

Access the entire universe of Seedtable data with 4m companies and advanced search

  • Access 4m companies and people (and growing) with unlimited exports
  • Filter by 1000+ fields with advanced editor, business model, industry, money raised and more
  • CRM email companies and track pipeline from the platform
  • Likely to Outsource tag to understand if a company is looking for your services
  • Verified email addresses so you can contact people directly
  • Advanced query tool with pipelines & CRM integration